Top 5 Reasons InfoSec Needs to Care About Social Networks
This blog is adapted from the white paper Why InfoSec Needs to Care About Social Media . Read the full white paper for best practices and ZeroFOX recommendations. The information security team’s role has changed significantly over the last few decades. Ten years ago infosec was laser focused on securing the endpoint, getting a handle on the extended network perimeter, and minimizing the potential attack surface. Today, the information security team’s charter is much more complex. Yes, infosec is still tasked with protecting the organization from all potential information, technology and digital risks, but the new twist is that they must do this while enabling more connectivity, mobility, and engagement across the organization. Security must now facilitate the expansion of the attack surface, something that runs counter to every fiber of security best practices. Social media has also exploded as a business platform due to the fact that in our connected world,...