OpenEMR flaw leaves millions of medical records exposed to attackers
A vulnerability in the free, open source electronic medical record and medical practice management software OpenEMR can be exploited to steal patients’ medical records and other personally identifiable information, Risk Based Security warns. OpenEMR is used all over the world. 2012 estimates put the number of US installations (physician offices and other small healthcare facilities) over 5,000, and global numbers over 15,000. Among the users are the International Planned Parenthood Federation and the Peace Corps. The flaw was discovered by company researchers while reviewing previously discovered security issues in OpenEMR, and responsibly disclosed to the developers. The fix has been pushed out in early November, in the 6th patch for OpenEMR v5.0.0 . About the vulnerability The vulnerable component is the setup.php installation script, which allows users to easily install the application through a web browser. Isaac Sears, who released details and ...